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Our Story

What is SHEBA?

SHEBA is a home for belly dance. It is a place where you can relax, be yourself, and learn everything you need to know about belly dance, in a warm, welcoming environment.

Hi, my name is Salit and let me explain how I founded this belly dance school:


My first year as a belly dance student (almost 20 years ago! Wow, time flies…) was absolutely magical, fun and inspiring. I finally felt at home and comfortable expressing my femininity. After about 5 years of studying and performing, I started teaching and always kept in mind that magical first year. I became devoted to giving other women the same inspiring experience I had, so they too would learn to love their bodies just as they are and find a new way of expressing themselves. I wanted to share my love for dance and encourage self-love with as many women as possible. And so, SHEBA was born.

belly dancing students

About Our Name

While my sweet Shiba dog, Niko (see adorable photo below), inspired the name of this program, SHEBA stands for so much more:


Sisterhood of Eclectic Bellydance Art-


  • Why sisterhood?

We’re a group of women who are connected through dance in and outside of class. We support, encourage, and motivate each other, and always welcome new sisters into our community!

  • Why Eclectic?

Our sisters come from all walks of life, different shapes, sizes, ages, and nationalities. Belly dance is for everyone.


  • Why Bellydance Art?

A belly dance show is definitely entertaining and mesmerizing, but it’s so much more than that. There is an entire culture, history, music, and self-expression attached to belly dance that is no less noble and respected than the Royal Ballet 

dogs on couch


(other dog)


(a shiba)

Our Philosophy

We are here to provide you with top-quality belly dance training in a warm, safe environment, giving you all the tools needed to be the best bellydancer you can be.

On top of our well-rounded curriculum, which includes belly dancing technique, musicality, improvisation, and historical/cultural reviews of the style, our kind and caring instructors put in the extra effort to help you reach your individual dance goals. And yes, you are welcome to participate in our student showcases, which we host on a regular basis!


Even though we like to remind you in and outside of class how important physical and mental health is, we NEVER encourage weight loss! Your body is perfect the way it is. We DO help you get fit and healthy and love your beautiful body, so that you give it the care it needs, in a gentle, loving way.


post belly dance class hang out

girls night out

Outside of Class

When we are not shaking our beauties in class we also like to get together and watch belly dance shows, grab a bite, or enjoy ladies-night in one of our famous SHEBA house parties. 

Join Us!

Whether you are seeking top-quality belly dance training, want to get in shape, be confident on stage, get in touch with your femininity, or connect with other women- your journey starts with SHEBA.


Ready to start?

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Thank you for joining the Sisterhood! You'll hear from us soon 😊

Belly Dance Classes NYC-Hire a Belly Dancer-Captivating Belly Dance Shows-Bachelorette parties- Birthday Parties-Team Building- Corporate Events-Cultural Events

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Classes are held at Open Jar studios

all rights reserved 2024

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